So let me just start off by saying candy is the best thing in the world we could possibly survive off of it but its going to go away quickly because its so addicting and good, the only thing that makes it bad is that it can causes health problems later on in your natural born lives (diabetes that is,). Anyway candy is great and all but its also unhealthy so lets just start off by listing all the good candy well candy is candy there arent really any specific candy that is good but everyone does have a their favorite candy I mean its good for the soul.Chocolate is by far everyone's sinful delicacy with all the bursting richness its all everybody talks about it all started from plain bitter yet, healthy coacoa beans before they made it unhealthy there a ton of chocolate candy bars such as..... TWIX, Hershesy's, M&M's, KITKAT. Milky Way, Rese's all are world favorites probably because of all the attention it gets by biased T.V commercials but its okay, us kind sugary sweets got it all in the bag were coming back strong with powerful sweet taste that the world cannot resists.

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