Lucky charms is the best cereal ever but did you know that you can make sweet yummy items using lucky charms? if not I'm going to show you how you can do that.
First Step: Grab a box of lucky charms it can be the family size box or the regular size either one doesn't matter as long as you have your sweet lucky charms
Second Step: Pre heat your pie crust at 100 degrees and be sure not to burn your pie crust because you still have other things to add
Third Step: For the pie filling you can use some butter cream and egg whites to complete the whitish edgy color and the buttercream for that sweet and bland taste but not to bland then you mix those ingredients in a bowl and while your mixing you can start adding a qtr.. of milk then after you're done put it in the fridgerator for 30 mins.
Fourth Step:At the bottom of the bag there is lucky charms crumbs and you want to use that , grab a measuring cup and pour in the crumbs after that grab out the pie filling and sit it on the counter and you are now ready for step 5.
Fifth Step: place the pie crust on the counter and slapp in the pie filling gently, neatly make it look presentable.
Sixth Step:After your done filling in the pie filling place it in the oven at 350 degrees let it cook while you sort out the lucky charms if you want a little extra you can add a cup of lucky charms into the pie filling
Seventh Step: while your waiting on your pie start separating your lucky charms were all is left is the sweet delicious marshmallows
Eighth Step:the pie is done and you are ready to top off your toppings take out the pie from the oven the previous lucky charm crumbs sprinkle it all over the pie grab a plate for 1 on the way pick up a blanket and the remote to the T.V. And watch Netflix and chill enjoying a warm slice of lucky charm pie.
Marliyah, I appreciate your keeping up with the blog. Your steps are pretty good, but they need to be summarized a little bit more. Try to shorten them, and put them on bullet points. It would look great.