This coming month the Sugar Factory will be opening in December 2015 prepare your mouth for some delicious mouth watering treats.
The sugar factory is a new coming store that is located in Orlando,Fl it is not yet open but get ready because theyr'e coming for you and your pockets full of money if you have pockets that is, from there point of view commissioners say its kid friendly and the store is divided into sections of all your favorite candy and treats. The states economy is going to boost up i say that because there are only two Sugar Factory's in the united states one in Florida and the other in California in the next up coming season of 2016 they are hoping to go worldwide.
To give you a little insight the store has featuring candies like Twix , SourPatch, Starburst, M&M's, Snickers, Jaw-Breakers,and more.......

Bruhhhhh this look goooodddddd take me when you go!!!!!!!!!